If Dr Seuss wanted good material for not wanting to go camp, I had your guy. *Dale, a middle school student, did not want to go to camp. He told his mom, “I do not want to go to camp.” He wouldn’t tell me, but his eyes screamed ‘I do not want to go to camp’. Having taken this young man on a retreat in the spring, I was sure we were good to go since we had a great experience to work from. I was wrong. Dale, like many of our youth, is dealing with real life trauma.
In his case, divorce. He is already a shy, humble young man. This life experience has taken a toll. We got him to the church for drop off. If you haven’t heard yet, the bus company forgot us, so there we were, an anxious teen and a trip that wasn’t going according to plan. This sent him into a tailspin, calling anyone who would tell him he didn’t have to go. After a very rough night we got to camp and his week began to turn around. He danced, joined conga lines, got on the giant swing and was totally transformed.
Dale wasn’t transformed because of all the fun, although it did help. Dale and I got to meet and talk, just the two of us. I reminded him the Lord was right there with him in this trial and I would stand right beside him. Dale also listened to the truth presented to him all week. He listened and he committed his life to Jesus saying ‘yes again.’ Dale’s trial is not going away. But neither is Jesus and I believe this week gave him the hope he needed!
*Name changed to protect the student