The students I serve are brilliant and full of life, but the environment in which they live is not conducive to where they could go. It does not inspire them and give a good representation of what is possible if they could see beyond their current life circumstances. One of the things we strive for at City Life is to show our students their worth and help them create a vision for themselves. We aim for them to understand that they are not their mistakes or their environment. This summer, we had the opportunity to attend a specialized camp for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics). One of my students, Andriana*, stood out among all the rest. I have been in a spiritual relationship with Andriana for years. During this time, she shared with me how excited she was to become a nurse and how much it could help her family. However, I could see the discouragement rise up in her because the end goal seemed so far away and the added stress of financial difficulties made it feel impossible to reach.
On many occasions, Andriana and I would create plans for her goal, but that God-given glint in her eyes would fade when she sat in the hardships that life brings. Before camp, I prayed that Jesus would encourage and motivate our students to continue to pursue their visions. One day, we visited a hospital and met some of the staff. It was an opportunity for students to ask questions and envision themselves accomplishing their goals and walking in their purpose. The glint in Andriana’s eyes lit up so bright. I had never seen it that way before. Her vision of her future finally matches the vision I have for her..brilliant and full of life just like her. Seeing her like that was a long-awaited answer to prayer.
*Name changed to protect student