Truly feeling God’s presence is an amazing and impactful experience! That is exactly what happened at camp this summer for one student in particular. This year at our middle school camp we had an amazing worship team who led us into worship each evening. The team explained what worship can look like and why we worship. Sharing with our students that worship is us giving glory and honor to God, because it’s his very breath in our lungs. They led us in songs like “Praise” by Elevation worship and “Way Maker” by Leeland.
As we sang that evening Harper* was moved to tears and said she felt like Jesus was sitting next to her. We were able to talk about how feeling Jesus’ presence can mark us and make us want to draw closer to him. Later in the week we talked about setting up a time to start reading through the Bible together. Sharing this experience with your students and watching them continue their walk with Jesus is priceless!
*Name changed for student’s privacy