Be Our Guest, April 22nd
It's already that time again, time for our Annual Sharing Banquet! This year, we are at a brand new location, GRANDOVER RESORT! We truly believe this will be our best banquet yet. There's no other event throughout the year where we can share all that God is doing through GGYFC with this many people at one time. This event allows us to introduce new friends to the mission, say thank you to our faithful partners, and raise the necessary funds to support the ministry.
If you would like to host a table, click the button below to get all of the information you need to get started!
If you would like to help underwrite a table for the banquet, head on over to our giving page and select 'Banquet Underwriting' from the drop down menu!

It's already that time again, time for our Annual Sharing Banquet! This year, we are at a brand new location, GRANDOVER RESORT! We truly believe this will be our best banquet yet. There's no other event throughout the year where we can share all that God is doing through GGYFC with this many people at one time. This event allows us to introduce new friends to the mission, say thank you to our faithful partners, and raise the necessary funds to support the ministry.
If you would like to host a table, click the button below to get all of the information you need to get started!
If you would like to help underwrite a table for the banquet, head on over to our giving page and select 'Banquet Underwriting' from the drop down menu!